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Advance Care Planning & Goals of Care

The goal of Advance Care Planning (ACP) is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with their values, goals, and preferences (Delphi Panel) if they are unable to make decisions for themselves. Advance Care Planning is a gift to your loved ones and health care providers to know what is important to you and your preference for your care. These conversations often are documented in an Advance Directive – a legal document that goes into effect if you are unable to speak for yourself. However, your advance directives should be a living document that changes over time as you age or your health changes.

Identifying your health care agent is another important step in the advance care planning process. You may be asking yourself what does a health care agent do and how do I choose one? Or you may be saying, “my family knows what I want.” However, understanding the health care agent’s role and communicating your wishes and preferences with them is a critical step in the Advance Care Planning process.

End of life planning can also be included in Advance Care Planning. At ElderCARE we are trained facilitators for the nationally recognized program “Respecting Choices.” We can help support conversations on goals of care, identification of health care agent and support conversations with your doctors.

The ultimate promise of ACP is to honor informed health care decisions and ensure that individuals receive care that matches their goals and values”

–Respecting Choices

ElderCARE’s Advance Care Planning is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal document or issue.